Monday, May 31, 2010


What IS important? What reaaaaally matters? At the end of the day, what does it all come down to?
I've forever been in love with the Alicia Keys song.. " If I ain't got you". I used to simply enjoy the song, it became my wedding song, and the lyrics continue to surprise me and gain more meaning to my life as time goes on.

Again, I ask the question, what is important? The popular response is, family, work, health, success, education, money...
I guess the correct answer lies within each individual as a measure of some sort of happiness.
I often have to remind myself, before going to work, or an audition, life isn't about clocking in and clocking out, paying bills and moving up a ladder. Is that all there is to each week, each schedule, each dollar earned?
LIFE has nothing to do with the job you are doing, or WHAT you are doing, but the people you are doing it with. The individual who crosses your path on any given day.
Isn't building relationships and challenging our friends to better themselves, so much more rewarding than a dollar earned and a new_________.Fill in blank... new shoes, car, expensive watches, whatever your vice.

If you stop and look around you, i.e. grocery store, your place of work, tables around you at a restaurant, we've lost the sense of importance. So much so, that were rude to people, to a point where being on your cellphone at the dinner table is becoming acceptable.
Is that text in the grocery store check-out line more important than giving the clerk a smile to brighten their day, Or checking your facebook "notifications" while your significant other is telling you great news?
What happened to being rewarded in life by lifting each other up? We are a nation that finds a full inbox( texting, email, facebook, twitter) rewarding enough. (I love those little red numbers as the next person... don't get me wrong).
We are all becoming so emotionally disconnected, as the world gets more viraly connected.
It is as though our generation is in a huge race, to see who can want more, have more, get more, but were forgetting how to GIVE MORE.
I encourage you, to encourage those around you. Why not? Be friendly to those serving you, and those whom you are serving. Treat your bosses with respect as well as the woman whos frying your fries.WHY NOT?
Listen, to those you love and those you don't. No one ever learned anything from talking. Listen, really Listen.

What is important, at the end of the day, what is important?
"Respect the ones you love, care about those you don't know, attempt to understand the misunderstood." Ivy Carnegie, WHY NOT????

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